Adult and Senior Eye Exams

Eye Exams Made Easy

As we all get older, our eyes come to be more susceptible to illness as well as problems that, if left untreated, can lead to irreversible vision loss. Routine eye examinations are the very first line of defense when it comes to making certain that your eyes stay healthy and free of illness.

Eye examinations evaluate the top quality of your vision and can detect eye diseases before they cause irreparable damage to your eyes. Eye examinations can additionally offer you insight into your general health, highlighting problems like high blood pressure as well as diabetes before you begin experiencing symptoms.

Are you due for an eye exam? Please book your next one today!

When Should You Book Your Next Exam?

The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends adults between the ages of 18 to 64 have their eyes checked at least once every two years, and at-risk individuals should undergo annual examinations. However, most eye doctors agree that everybody can benefit from yearly exams.

The AOA recommends senior citizens aged 65 and older undergo annual examinations. If you are considered to be at-risk, your optometrist may recommend you visit more regularly.

Factors that might put you at risk consist of:

  • A family history of eye illness.
  • Line of work that is visually demanding or runs a risk of damaging your eyes.
  • Medicines that can have ocular side-effects.
  • Undergoing eye surgery.
  • Previous or current eye injuries.

The Anatomy of an Eye Exam

During the exam, your eye doctor will ensure your household's health background is up to date. Your eye doctor will typically open the exam with a conversation dealing with any kind of inquiries or worries you may have. The more you can tell your optometrist, the better they can customize the examination to resolve your distinct concerns.

The examination includes visual acuity screening, which relies on tools and techniques like an eye chart or a phoropter. A phoropter can be used to help determine your glasses or contact lens prescription.

Your optometrist will then make a comprehensive assessment of your eye health. Your eye doctor may utilize fundus photography, ocular coherence tomography (OCT) scans, and intraocular eye pressure (IOP) measurements to help detect signs of eye disease.

True Eye Center of Keller is proud to use Optos Retinal Imaging to help make determining the health of your eyes easy, fast, and comfortable.

Book Your Next Eye Exam Today!

It’s never too late to start managing your eye health effectively, and our optometrists are here to help.

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